The Democracy Rebellion

DEMOCRACY REBELLION (2019) is the story of our movement - graphic personal portraits and compelling narratives of citizen heroes and reformers fighting for clean elections, voters rights, gerrymander reform and against dark money, Citizens United, and rigged elections. It also features WAmend's successful 2016 Initiative 735 campaign calling to overturn Citizens United.

Correspondent Hedrick Smith spent three years criss-crossing America, discovering how average Americans were coming out of the sidelines and challenging the power elite. Citizen movements didn’t always win victories for reform right away. Some of them had to try two or three times – in Florida, six times – to change a political status quo stacked by the power brokers for themselves. Smith came away, impressed and amazed at the commitment, the tenacity and the idealism of political amateurs who learned that they go into the arena and beat the pros. Have a look and pick your own favorite grassroots heroes, which includes WAmend's Washington State Initiative 735 campaign calling for a U.S. Constitutional Amendment to reverse decisions like Citizens United

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